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Celebration Lutheran Church


Sunday at 10:00 am

CELEBRATION is made up of real people living real lives and discovering the real love that God has shown us through Jesus Christ.  Lutherans believe in the Triune God.  God created and loves all the creation -- the earth and the seas and all of the world's inhabitants.  We believe that God's Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God's Spirit is active in the world.


​We welcome all of God's Children, whatever their age, the color of their skin, the contents of their wallet, no matter whom they love, how they speak, and whatever their abilities or disabilities; for in Christ Jesus, we all are reconciled to God.

Worship Time

Monthly Ministry


Ministry of the Month


"Opportunity Palestine"

The Social Ministry fundraising event for October is “Opportunity Palestine.”  It's our opportunity to provide funds for the Lutheran schools in the West Bank. 


We have been doing this for the past number of years but currently the situation in the West Bank is far more urgent. 


The financial situation in the West Bank has gotten much worse due to tourism being at a standstill and unemployment widespread. ELCJHL schools did start in mid-August and the students are, as of Septembre 21st, in the classrooms . 


“Opportunity Palestine” is launching a $50,000 fundraising goal this fall and Celebration members can participate. 

Fall Fellowship


  October 12  at 5:00 – 8:00  pm

Bratwurst and Knockwurst

Roasted Chicken


German Potato Salad

German Chocolate Cake

Beverages (including beer)


Adults:  $15.00

Children 6 and over $6.00

Children 5 and under – free

Tickets will be available after worship services later in September.

From the Pastor

From the Pastor

 An October Surprise

Sometimes we love surprises…

and sometimes we don’t.

Not all surprises are good ones, at least at first glance. Jesus had an uncanny ability to take people by surprise--and they weren't always pleased about it. Take, for instance, the surprise Jesus sprung on the Nazarene congregation in Luke 4.  Jesus had returned to his hometown in Nazareth. That Sabbath day, he went to the synagogue, as any observant Jew would. The synagogues of Jesus' day didn't usually have paid or appointed preachers and teachers. Any adult male might be called upon to preach or teach on any particular Sabbath.

Jesus stepped up, was handed a scroll from the book of Isaiah and was asked to preach on it. He went right to Isaiah 61 and read these words:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

And then, when Jesus was sure he had everyone's attention, he closed the scroll, sat down, and announced very simply,“Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing." SURPRISE!

Jesus' announcement tells us some important things about God.

First of all, that our God is a God of hope!

Another thing Jesus tells us is that our God is a God of Freedom!

See You in Church!

Pastor Fogle

Our Mission

Celebrating God through our connections 

with one another, the community, and the world

Mission Statement

Worship services are live streamed on Facebook

 at 10:00 am Sundays.

Events, Photos, and inspirations are posted regularly on Facebook.

"Follow" Celebration Lutheran Church on Joy

in order to watch the live streaming.

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Help Those In Need

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.” 

[Proverbs 19:17]

Thank You!!
Daily Readings
Talk to Us
Celebration Lutheran
Church, ELCA

Phone: 734-582-4112


39375 Joy Rd.

Westland, MI  48185

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