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Congregation Ministries

God has given each of us unique gifts and talents.  One of the primary places that God has called us to use these gifts and talents is through our vocations.

Our vocations may take the form of a job but they also include our callings as mothers,, fathers, sisters, brothers,citizens, and so much more. These vocations or callings are the places from which we love God and our neighbors. 


How else is God calling us, as individuals and as a congregation to steward our gifts and talents?

Sponsor Flowers & Streaming

Flowers & Live

Please sign-up to sposor a vase of flowers and/or our Live-Stream ministry for a Sunday worship service.  The sign-up sheets are on the Communications Board by the front entrance. 

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Sunday Helpers

The Worship Ministry Team encourages and coordinates the use of a wide range of lay involvement in all aspects of worship.   

Communion Bread Recipe  

Bible discussion group

Adult Bible Study

The Adult Forum studies The Word of God from a variety of view points.

Women's Bible Study reads and discusses topics from the "Gather" magazine.

Men’s Ministry group meets for Bible study .



The Fellowship Hour held after worship each week is an important part of the

Sunday worship experience for many of us. This time offers visitors an opportunity to meet our congregation, while also providing  members and friends an opportunity to share and socialize. None of this would be possible without the hosts who make coffee and clean up each week!

Communion Bread Recipe
Prayer List

We Lift Up in Prayer

Add to the Prayer List

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